V0.1.2 adds keyboard support

v0.1.2  adds keyboard support, doubles the time to make the choice, and provides links to check / visit the game page for updates

Basic keyboard support: Use UP / DOWN to increase / decrease effort (same functionality as the mouse scroll wheel) and select your intent when you are presented with a choice. Use ENTER to confirm your choice (same as clicking on the Go! button). Use LEFT/RIGHT to change the camera angle. W A S D will also work for effort control and camera angle, but cannot be used to select intents in the list.

The time to make a choice has been doubled to 10 seconds. Stamina regenerates twice as slow during this interval.

The splash and ending screens have been simplified (I might re-add some graphics later, but I tend to like the simplicity; the old graphics were outdated), and adds a visible version number. There is now a button that opens up the itch.io game page in order to allow anyone to check for updates.

Added a fix for being able to select actions you might not be able to perform.


Battlefuck Pit v0.1.2.zip 121 MB
1 day ago

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